Saturday, May 29, 2010

Urbanism in the Raptor World

Every once in a while a person is given a special treat. Such has been the case in watching a s nest of Red-Shouldered Hawks,

Its not unusual (thanks Tom Jones) to find bird nests in the city, beside a busy street, tucked away in a bush or in the branches way up in the trees. Peregrine Falcons are known to nest in big cities on skyscrapers with no problem.

But I have to say this is the first "large" raptor nest I have seen in the open, right beside a street in the middle of a completely urban setting. ( I sure it happens, I Had just never seen it before)
But a very stern note of caution, if you see a hawks nest with babies, look, admire and move on. If you do not keep an eye for the parents, one of the parent may just surprise you by trying to take your face off!!

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